September Goal Setting

Welcome to September a new month filled with new possibilities and tons of apples, squash and colorful leaves. It is also the start of a new month which means new monthly goals. I honestly didn’t do great at accomplishing all of last months goals but I am really proud of myself for how hard I worked last month while making time for me as well. For me goals are a guide to keep you on track and I am hoping to accomplish all my goals this month.
My September 2011 Goals
1. Start Training for my first half-marathon. Two 30-45 minute runs and one mileage run per week PLUS two days of cross training and at least one day of yoga.
2. Meal Plan. Neil and I are both training for our first half marathon and part of training is eating well and learning what our bodies need. Additionally, we have 4 months to figure out what the best fuel for us is when it comes to long run days. In order to keep on track we need to continue to improve our diet and incorporate new healthy foods that are good for runners.
3. Organize my kitchen. <—–Did not complete last month. My kitchen is by no means a mess but it just isn’t in top order as I would like it to be. I actually cleaned out my fridge this morning and it felt great. Looking forward to doing more.
4. Early to bed, Early to Rise. <—–Still need to work on. Lately we have been more like Late to Bed, Early to Rise and it is starting to wear on me. My goal is to be in bed by 9:30pm with my book and read until I fall asleep. Then up by 5am to work, stretch and/or workout (not necessarily in that order).
5. Read two new books. I haven’t decided which ones yet but I need to read more. I only read one book last month and again did not achieve my goal.
What are your goals for September?
In Other News
My CVL September Newsletter and my Health & Wellness Newsletter were both distributed today (completely different newsletters). If you haven’t signed up I encourage you to do so today, you can also now subscribe to my newsletters in your reader so you never have to miss a thing.