Guest Post: Running While Pregnant

Hi! I’m Nicole from Making Good Choices and I’m so happy to be here with you while Lindsay spends time with her little one. I’m a small business owner and health counselor (like Lindsay) so I spend my days working at Pure Bliss Eats ( and helping people live a healthier life. You can read more about my business here.
I am (as of when I wrote this) 25 weeks pregnant. I’ve enjoyed following along with Lindsay’s pregnancy and keeping track of her experience. It’s so much fun finding pregnant bloggers, especially since I don’t have too many IRL friends who have babies/have been pregnant.
Ever since I got pregnant I have been running anywhere from 9- 15 miles a week. Generally I run about 12. When I found out I was pregnant, I wasn’t sure about a lot of things, but running wasn’t one of them. I just figured I’d keep running until I couldn’t anymore. So far, so good.
Now, let me tell you some days are WAY harder than others. Some days it takes my body 2 miles just to warm up and feel normal running. Those are the days where I stop and start and take lots of walking breaks. I try hard to just be super happy I’m running instead of discouraged I need to stop and start so much. 99% of the time I’m in a positive mindset. 1% of the time I need to get over myself and keep going.
I have been running for years. Sometimes longer distances, sometimes shorter. Before I got pregnant I was running up to 6 miles at a time. I was physically fit before getting pregnant, which is why I kept up exercising and running.
I wanted to share some tips that have worked for me over the past 6 months to keep me happy while running.
Getting out and exercising: In the first tri when I felt awful I would get up to workout and it was the only thing that made me feel better. I took it easy most days, but just getting the heart pumping and blood flowing really helped. If I ever had felt worse I would have stopped.
When I was in the first tri, I would do run/walk intervals. I think in weeks 7-8 I ran 5-7 minutes and walked a couple of minutes and repeated that. Eventually I got back into the groove and now walk 1-2x per run.(Which probably will go back to being 3-4x in the third trimester.)
Allow yourself to walk whenever you want. As long as I’m getting out there, I could walk 1 time or 4, I don’t really care.
Don’t worry about pace. Some people (like Michele) are still super fast. Before getting pregnant I ran about 9:30-10 minute miles when I was just out for a typical run. Now I’m running between 11-12 minute miles and celebrating every one.
Hydrate and go to the bathroom about 10 times before you run. Or better yet, go running FIRST thing when you wake up. I’ve found that if I just wake up and go I am MUCH happier and don’t feel like I have to go to the bathroom ½ mile in. I try to make sure I’m drinking enough water, but I don’t want to drink too much before I run because then I’ll have to go to the bathroom 5 minutes in.
Carry a cell phone and water if you think you’ll need it. I ALWAYS carry my cell phone while running. You never know if you just can’t finish the run, or if you need to picked up.
Listen to your body. If you feel pain or are very uncomfortable, stop.
Whatever you thought about running before, throw it out the window. It’s important to be FLEXIBLE and to do what you’re body needs. If you need to stop and start or take a break do it. The important part is that you are getting out there and moving.
Don’t give up! I’ve had many runs where the first 20 minutes are awful, but the last 20 are amazing and I’m on top of the world. I can usually tell if it’s a head game or if I’m just off that day. Push through and keep going! (Unless something is really wrong, then obviously, stop!)
Have fun! This isn’t a time to be super serious about your running. Enjoy the fact you are running!
Note: I spoke to my doctor about the fact that I run and he said that as long as I was doing it before, I was fine to continue. Speak to your doctor before you do anything!
Thank you for letting me share my running while pregnant experience with you! I hope you’ll visit my blog as I talk about food, fitness, health and being pregnant!