Fitness Friday: Improvement, Races & Sports Bras

I have made huge improvements in my workouts over the the past 10 days, i.e. I went from zero to 6.6 miles of run/walk and 35 minute workout last week to this week where I have already put in 11 miles of running and walking and I still have three more days! It feels great to be back. It is crazy how Neil’s accident directly affected my workouts. The first week after his accident was as stressful time that resulted in little sleep and little time to do much of anything besides try to keep the house in a manageable state, check in on Neil frequently and stay up on any commitments that I had. Now things are better and Neil is back to work and slowly getting back to his normal routine. He sees the neurologist in 11 days and we are hoping for good news and that he will be able to get back to running (and driving- I’m over being a taxi driver).
The next step is for me to get back to the gym. It’s been a challenge because I’ve been back to running and it has been beautiful out so no desire to run inside and because Neil is only allowed to go for walks and I’m his driver I haven’t been going right after work. This weekend and until he gets the okay Neil and I are going to go to the gym together after work so I can do some alternative cardio and weights and he can walk on the dreadmill or hangout and read magazines and watch TV.
Okay so we are almost fully back. Neil has 11 more days before he sees the neurologist and (hopefully) gets the okay to go back to running. Since we can no longer do the Disney Half Marathon we have been on the lookout for a new half to run. Today I came across the perfect one; there’s beer, running and the beach….in New Hampshire…in February.
I know it’ll be a little cold for sun bathing but that’s okay we’re there to run and have an amazing time! Is anyone else running this or have you or do you want to?
Training for this half is going to start for me next week! I am sticking with the Galloway plan because I have been using it thus far and am loving it!
On another note I have a 10k on Saturday which I am debating about. It was supposed to be in line with my original half marathon training but since Neil went and got himself injured (silly man) I got thrown off my training plan and I’m not sure if I am physically up to doing it. I had a great 4 mile run this week and a quick and easy 2 mile run yesterday but I am not sure if I am ready to do 6.2 miles on Saturday. I guess I’ll decide between now and 7am tomorrow.
Sports Bras
Now on to the good stuff sports bras! I have been working on finding various sports bras for giving me the right support for various activities. When it comes to being active I lucked out that I’m not in need of something that is super supportive since ahem…there isn’t a ton to support. I have tried a number of bras and I have a few favorites but my new addition is easily becoming a favorite of mine for a number of reasons.
For the past few weeks I have been trying out the Moving Comfort Rebound Racer Sports Bra and I am loving it and no you don’t get a photo of me in it so this one from their site will have to do. My thoughts:
- Excellent support
- True to size
- Well Made
- Adjustable Straps (love this and you can use strap as a key holder if you’re like me)
- Could use more colors- not that I’m flashing it around to other people but I’d like to see more variety than black, white and blue
BEST USES (based on my experience)
- Running
- Training
- High Impact