Currently 10.26.17

The last time I shared a Currently was February(!!) I would say life has changed a lot since then so maybe it’s time for an update? If you are following me on Instagram you know life is a bit crazy…err challenging but we can chat more about that in a different post. Today let’s catch up on our normal currently topics and make share yours below! 

Doing: My days consist of lots of nursing and making sure that my two older kids don’t get terribly injured. I am finding that my days are full but at the same time I am not getting enough cleaning/laundry done, enough workouts in (or any), spending enough time on bettering myself, blogging enough ….the list could go on and on. But as I write this I wonder what is enough? Maybe it’s time I sit with that and figure out what enough means to me. 

Eating: I am eating a mix of super amazing and healthy meals such as this one, this one and this one and then a whole bunch of crap. This is me calling myself out on my horrible eating and sharing that Monday starts my goal to eat more of these and less of these

Watching:  I have been re-watching Grey’s Anatomy again because I am one of those people who loves to re-watch shows over and over. I also just finished watching Manhunt (Netflix) with Neil and if you haven’t seen it yet you should go and watch it now. Neil and I are now on to watching This Is Us and Designated Survivor most weeks. 

Looking forward to: This weekend because I am going to clean the heck out of our house AND I am going to the chiropractor! It’s really the little things these days that make me happy. I also plan on cleaning the fridge and doing a big meal prep. I know I am wild!

Reading: I have been reading The Danish Way of Parenting* and this is a good reminder that I need to spend sometime this weekend reading more of it. If you are looking for a gentle perspective on parenting this is a great book to read! 

Loving: I am just loving all the colorful leaves. Fall is my favorite time of year and while the PNW doesn’t have the crisp Fall air that I hold so close to my heart from my New England childhood…or rather the first 27+ years of my life there are a ton of pretty leaves out right now. 

What are you currently doing, thinking about, watching, looking forward to, reading and/or loving?

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

It’s Portland Veg Week 2017 + VegFest!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…It’s time for Portland VegFest!
We have been every year since we moved here back in 2013 and we always have a blast listening to speakers and trying as many samples as our stomachs will allow. However, I think that this year might just be the best one yet. The line up of speakers this year is one of the best with Jenny Brown Co-Founder of the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, Scott Jurek an incredible ultrarunner and author of Eat and Run and Genesis Butler who is an inspiring 10 year old activist and even has her own TED Talk.  
The full lineup is here:

VegFest 2017

Of course one of the best things about VegFest is trying all the vegan food options that are out there. I love having the opportunity to find new foods and to sample ones that I have been curious before I buy them – also many of these vendors have special pricing for VegFest so bring your cash. Some of the vendors I’m excited about include LightLife, Miyoko’s, NU Culture, and Toby’s/Genesis
Here is a link to all of our sponsors and exhibitors:

VegFest 2015

Hope to see you at VegFest! 
Disclaimer: Neil and I were provided with weekend passes for VegFest in exchange for sharing about the event.