
Motherhood is rewarding, enlightening, fulfilling, and just overall incredible however it can also be lonely, isolating, challenging, frustrating and overwhelming. I entered motherhood with my husband by my side but without a strong group of mothers around me. I was the first of my close friends to get married and have children and while becoming a mother was incredible and I was thrilled those lonely, isolating, overwhelming feelings easily took over. 

For me moving to Portland was such a shift and really helped to change my perspective in life and motherhood. I was forced to seek out opportunities to meet new people and when you have a 6 month old that means moms groups. I met other women just like me, new to motherhood and just trying to make our way through. I became more confident as a mother and as person and began to seek out more opportunities to meet people and that’s when I found Portland Bloggers and met some amazing creatives many of whom are women and many who are also navigating motherhood while following their passions. —

As I enter motherhood for the third time I am feeling anxious as we add another little human to our family but I am also comforted knowing that I have an amazing community here in Portland. I was reminded just how supported and lucky I am this past May when my girlfriends through an incredible succulent themed baby shower for me. It was more than I could have ever expected and it left me feeling so full of love, life and light. This baby will be entering the world filled with so much love and I feel that this time around (the last time around) I will also be entering motherhood with the love and support that I desired all those years ago.

Photo credit: @jennibost
Party Planner extraordinaires: @jennibost & @thisbeautifulday

Pregnancy | The Third Trimester Checklist

Throwback to 28 weeks pregnant with Edith

I don’t know how it happened so fast but this last pregnancy is coming to it’s end and I am feeling the push to get things ready for this little ones arrival. My pregnancy with Edith had me preparing months in advance and anxiously waiting her arrival. The weeks ticked by so slowly and by the end we had our short list of names picked, the nursery furnished and decorated, and a stocked fridge and pantry ready for her to arrive at any moment.

With Alder we were way more relaxed but again prepared with the things we needed for his arrival Earth side and meals were prepared in the fridge and we had a line up of a few friends who offered to bring by meals.

This time around however we have two very lengthy lists of baby names, our small home never seems to stay clean and “ready” for the baby (because we all know the baby cares), and overall I just feel a bit anxious (and of course excited) about this babes arrival. 

To help ease the anxiety I have created a list of things still to do to prepare for this babes arrival. 

  • Stock My Pantry
    • Fill with nutritious snacks and easy to make meal ideas for postpartum and for my husband and littles.
    • Make a batch of granola.
    • Organize teas and infusions from The First 40 Days into jars (also buy jars and ingredients for infusions).
    • Prepare labor aid beverages.
    • Have easy snacks and meals prepared for birth (we are doing a home birth so food that is easy for my littles, husband and midwives to each).
  • Fill My Freezer
    • Batch cook broths, soups and hearty stews. <– this one I can almost check off! Today I made immune boosting broth, a kabocha red lentil soup and a batch of quinoa and green lentils that I will cook up with some broth to make a porridge. 
    • Put together some healthy freezer meals for the family like these dairy free stuffed shells that have become a postpartum freezer essential over the years. 
  • Put together easy lunch and dinner meal ideas for my husband 
  • Get this baby to flip —> chiro, acupuncture, spinning babies (taking suggestions)
  • Create My Nest (aka get our room ready for baby)
    • Ask Yourself: What do we need for the space(s) in our home to be comfortable? 
    • A safe place for baby to sleep <– check
    • A chair to bounce/rock baby <– check
    • Diffuser for bedroom <– check
    • New Sheets 
  • Confirm Placenta Encapsulation (need to do this ASAP)
  • Prepare postpartum oils, salves, ect. 
  • Put together my birth kit of essential oils
  • Decide whether or not we she hire a postpartum doula
  • Talk with hubby about the questions that might come up
    • How will we divvy up baby/littles responsibilities?
    • Social Life Expectations – what does this look like?
    • Plan out dates/ways to connect in and out of the house 
    • How can we (I) be more compassionate and gentle especially when lack of sleep and stress come into play? 
    • What postpartum needs/expectations do each of us have? What do we expect from others? 
  • How can I honor myself?
    • Where/how will I fit time into my day/week that is for myself? (ie connecting with other mothers, meditating, fitness, quiet alone time) 

What is/was on your third trimester to do list? Anything you think I might be missing? 

Weekend Links

This weekend none of us are sick, we have a date night planned and I’m heading to my first yoga class in over a year. Despite the rain I think that this is going to be a pretty wonderful weekend. I thought I’d share a few things I came across this week. Enjoy! 

We’re gearing up for more rain and these yarn activities to keep us busy. 

Sipping on ombre smoothies to jazz up this rain weekend. 

Proof you can have fashion and function while nursing. 

What should you really pack in your hospital bag

It’s time to whip up a batch of your very own kombucha

Quick and easy vegan lunch ideas for your littles (or yourself). 

Lessons in perfectionism (hint it’s okay to make mistakes). 

My favorite VT based t-shirt company has their kids shirts on sale for $5 off and if anyone was wondering baby #3 needs this onsie so s/he can match with the older littles. 

Babylist is my new favorite spot to keep a running list of things we need/want for baby #3.

Swooning over these ombre spray bottles

Dreaming about the days when I can sip one of these Spring cocktails

Enjoy your weekend!