Salt & Straw: Coconut Ice Cream with Petunia’s Salted Caramel Bar –> Seriously this ice cream is insane. It was just released on Thursday and we already went for cones and then yesterday we bought a pint for our anniversary (hmmm and there are leftovers in the freezer…)
(Almost) Nightly Park Dates: we have been taking Edith to the park almost nightly to have a little outside time before bed and so Neil and Edith can go down the slides. Edith is too much sometimes – lately after every turn she has on the slide she wants Neil go to down too and will sit next to the slide and say ‘dada, slide’ and won’t move until he takes his turn.
Soaking Up The Moments With Edith: We are going to a family of four soon and while I am excited (and nervous) for this new journey I am trying to soak up the time I have with Edith before our new baby arrives.
Celebrating Life With Neil: This Saturday we celebrated 6 years of marriage. What a ride it has been and I can’t wait to celebrate many, many, many, many more years.
What are you loving lately?