• That is a great idea! I can definitely incorporate more men friendly meat-free dishes. My husband has been vegan longer than I have so I have never really had to create vegan male friendly meals for him but I have a number of recipes that are popular with my meat and potatoes father that I can use for inspiration!

    • Nik, thanks for your feedback- I have a few product features in the process but currently have stepped away from overloading the blog with them. Each month you will see a few different reviews. Enjoy.

  1. katherine d

    posts about healthy eating and cooking, especially the benefits of being vegan and vegan recipes

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. Melissa

    I really like your recipe posts, but I also enjoying reading about your pregnancy updates! It might be nice to know more about your daily eating habits or weekly meal plans.

    • Melissa- I have had a number of requests regarding daily eating posts so I just recently started participating in What I Ate Wednesday where I am featuring my eats for one day of the week. Unfortunately with my schedule and blogging style daily eats posts just don’t work for me so WIAW as been my compromise. As for weekly meal plans- I am actually in the process of working on a feature posts and there will be a new page on the blog that will feature sample meal plans for people. Thanks so much for your input!

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