RIP Boo (1999ish-2012)

Tonight after coming home to a sick cat and rushing him to the emergency vet, we faced a decision no fur baby parent wants to make. Unfortunately, Boo is no longer with us. After running blood tests and x-rays, the vet found that he had a cancerous mass on his right lung and that it was quickly filling with fluid. After discussing things with the vet it was determined that the outlook for recovery was grim so THE DECISION was made in his best interest.
Neil and I are both pretty torn up about this and as I write this I have to wipe away the tears. We knew that when we adopted him that health issues were bound to come sooner than later (when we adopted him he was about 11.5/12 years old) but I hoped we had a few more years.
So now we say our good-byes to our furry friend who was nothing but kind, loving and a wonderful friend to everyone he met.