Runtastic #Orbit | Getting Back to Active
I am still a few weeks out from being able to get back to regular activity. While my postpartum journey has been a little bit easier (okay a whole lot easier) this time around both physically and emotionally I am still a far way off from being back to my normal active self. When it comes to working out I feel like I am basically starting from zero.

Taking a break after a walk with Edith in the stroller and Alder in the Lillebaby.
I have been getting out for walks most days but after about a mile of walking and either pushing a double stroller, which feels like I’m pushing a bus, or wearing Alder and pushing Edith in the stroller I can really feel it. It’s a reminder every time I go out that I am ONLY four weeks postpartum. While I mentally and physically am feeling better I still can’t do as much physically as I think I can. By the end of my walks I am sore all over especially down there …
While I haven’t been able to get out and run or do anything crazy I have been keeping track of activity via my new Runtastic Orbit. Thanks to my partnership with Fit Approach I was sent a Runtastic Orbit to test out and review (as always all opinions are my own). It has been helpful to keep track of how active I am being during the day and I love the feature that I love the most is the Sleep Cycle Tracker. As a nursing mom of a four week old it has been great to track my sleep cycles so that I can really take into account how much sleep I get and how often Alder is waking me at night.
I have been averaging around 8 hours of sleep with around a total of 40 minutes of awake time, a good (or rather bad?) amount of light sleep and a tiny bit of deep sleep. Overall I say that’s not too bad for having a four week old. I attribute the decent sleep I have been getting to the fact that we co-sleep and that I have been trying to go to bed by 10pm at the latest.
As for my activity I have been averaging around 9,000 steps per day and my goal is 8,000. I have been wearing the Runtastic Orbit consistently for about 3 weeks now and during that time we moved and have been out for lots of walks. I also think the fact that our new townhouse has three floors makes a difference because that is a whole lot of steps everyday especially since the bathrooms and diaper changing stations are on either the first and third floor(s).
Overall Thoughts: Overall I really like the Runtastic Orbit. As many of you know I have tried out a number of different tracking watches and this one ranks in my top three. It fits well, is sleek, has a clock feature and I love the vibrating alerts. The iPad app is super easy to use and sync with and an easy way to check my stats.