Crispy Mushrooms and Dumplings in Peanut Sauce at ChuChai

"Beef" Panang at ChuChai

"Chicken" with Peanut Sauce and Crispy Spinach at ChuChai

Neil enjoying his first persimmon at Marche Jean-Talon

Le Polenta at Aux Vivres

Chai and Masala Banana Smoothie at Aux Vivres

Le Complete at Aux Vivres

Espresso Smoothie -Cafe Frappe- at Aux Vivres

Tea at Ming Tao Xuan- experienced an amazing Chinese tea service

Neil's tea at Ming Tao Xuan

Vegetarian Steamed Buns at Ming Tao Xuan

Vegetarian Tofu Skin Rolls at Ming Tao Xuan

Neil enjoying his tea

Portobello, Red Pepper & Artichoke Pizza at Le Faim du Monde

Mexican Burger at La Faim du Monde

Smoked Wheat at Aux Vivres

Mekong (tofu, picked carrots & diakon, mint, cilantro, lettuce and peanut sauce) on Chapati at Aux Vivres Enjoying my sandwich at Aux Vivres