Guest Recipe: Choco-Cherry-Chia Smoothie

Choco-Cherry-Chia Smoothie
Hi, everyone! My name is Cassie and I’m a recipe developer, beer lover, sports fanatic, culinary arts student, puppy mom, and lover of glitter nail polish. I also happen to blog about clean eating, realistic fitness and my everyday adventures (and misadventures) over at Back to Her Roots.
I was really honored when the amazing Lindsay asked me to pop in and share a little bit of something with you guys while she is on baby duty. I’m a big fan of all things RWT and am really honored to be here. First off: congratulations to Lindsay and Neil on their new little perfect family! Secondly: let’s talk cherries.
Smooth segue, eh?
I’ve been completely obsessed with cherries lately. They are sweet, tart and packed full of powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins (which help give cherries their deep red skin). These antioxidants have been shown to act as anti-inflammatories and help slow down aging. Basically, cherries are where it’s at.
Of course, often we find the cherry flavor in not-so-healthy foods. Cherry pie. Cherry danishes. Cherry Jolly Ranchers. But it is possible to nosh on cherries without stuffing yourself silly with added sugars and preservatives. Today, I’ve brought you a smoothie that gives you not only the benefits of cherry-dom, but also the yummy taste. Oh, did I mention it’s also chocolatey? And has chia seeds, which is the highest known plant source of Omega-3 fatty acids? Oh, and it’s fun to say? Choco-Cherry-Chia. Try it!
Choco-Cherry-Chia Smoothie
Serves 2
1 cup unsweetened vanilla nut or soy milk
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 cups pitted, halved cherries
1 medium ripe banana
4-5 ice cubes
Combine all ingredients in the order listed in the carafe of a blender. Blend on high speed until everything is smooth. Pour into two glasses (or one big glass!) and serve.