Appetite For Reduction Review
- Is the layout clear? I think that the layout is very clear and starts with information at the beginning and then goes on to a wonderful number of recipes.
- Are you able to easily tell the ingredients apart for the instructions and the notes? Yes it is very easy.
- Are the instructions easy to follow? Yes the directions are easy to follow.
- Are the recipes numbered or is the section labeled? The recipes are both numbered in the table of contents and index and the sections are labeled.
- Does the cookbook feature photos? This cookbook does feature photos.
- If yes, is there a photo for every recipe? The photos are not for every recipe, only a small selection.
- Do the photos of the recipes look like the actual results? I would say that overall from the recipes that I have made and by the recipe photos are accurate to the photos.
- What kind of paper is the book printed on? The book is printed on nice off white paper and is a heavy texture which is great for extending the life of the book.
- How is the quality of the photos? The photos are alright- they look nice but aren’t overly professional.
- How many recipes are in the cookbook? There are 125 recipes.
- What kinds of recipes will you find in this cookbook? This book includes a number of recipes for soup, salad, tempeh, tofu, beans, sides, pastas/grains. The recipes take a twist on traditionally fatty recipes and makes them lower in fat/healthier versions.
- Is there a theme to the recipes? I found that many of the recipes are a play on Isa’s recipes from her other books- versions that are healthier than her other recipes.
- Are the recipes complex or simple? would they be good for seasoned cooks and/or beginners? I found that the recipes are simple and would be great for beginners and for seasoned cooks looking for healthier versions of their favorite foods/flavors.

Chickpea PIcatta
Ingredients and supplies
- Are the recipe ingredients easy to find? Most of the ingredients are easy to find. There are only a few ingredients that you may not be able to find in the international section of your grocery but there are not many recipes that include these ingredients.
- Are there any items that stand out as being expensive or specialty? Nothing is expensive – specialty would be miso, coconut milk, tamarind.
- Are there particular appliances that will be required such as blenders, juicers, dehydrators, ect? A blender or food processor is needed for a few recipes such as salad dressings.
- Does this cookbook provide additional useful information? This cookbook does have a section at the beginning discussing fat and other nutritional information that is helpful for vegans.
Other important Information

40 Clove Broccoli and OMG Onion Rings
The recipes I tried:
- Caulipots and Portobello Pepper Steak Stew
- Hummus Trio
- 40 Clove Chickpea and Broccoli (not blogged)
- OMG Onion Rings (not blogged)
- Ye’abesha Gomen and Chickpea Piccata
My favorite dishes were the onion rings and ye’abesha gomen. I thought the flavors and concepts were really well done and I will be making them again. The 40 Clove Chickpea and Broccoli was okay but I didn’t really understand why so much broth was used- it caused my broccoli to be mushy. The chickpea piccata was not my favorite but it was good and I would like to try it again possibly tossed with spinach and pasta. The Portobello Pepper Steak Stew is a great option to serve your omni friends.
We now move on to our third book Skinny Bitch Ultimate Cookbook– if you would like to participate there is still time just contact me.