VT Brew Fest 2010

Last night the Hubz and I made our way downtown to the Brew Fest at the Waterfront. Since it’s never good to drink on an empty stomach we headed straight to Alhi Baba’s for Falafel.

Then it was time for beer:

Finally our friends got through the massive line to get in and then we had ….well more beer obviously!

Don't worry he hasn't been double fisting all night he has mine as well

and what would Brew Fest be without friends in lederhosens?

and of course what goes better with beer than Alec’s Spicy Pretzels?

Unfortunately the night ended abruptly after waiting in line for a our last beer, getting up to the front just after our men and being told they couldn’t serve anymore. BOOOOOOOO!

The men showing of their success of getting the last beer of the night

Laura showing sad face with our last tickets of the night

It was a fun night and now that I’ve had my green juice I am ready for the market and iced coffee!

Somethings Brewing…

At Vermont Brewers Festival!

Prior to heading to VT Brew Fest my parents met us at our new place bearing gifts aka mail that arrived at their house.  To our delight Salba Smart had sent me a number of items to sample.  We dove right in with the tortilla chips, the BBQ Crisps and my parents had some of the Cheddar & Sour Cream Crisps.

Some other goodies we have yet to try:

More Brew Fest Posts to come…..

Hiking the Long Trail

The Hubz has been wanting to do some hiking this year and we haven’t made it out in the past month and half so today we decided to hike part of the Long Trail which is conveniently located near my parents’ house.  We did a 6 mile hike; the hike was basically straight up the mountain and we came across some great views where we stopped to have some snacks.

Our first stop was Prospect Point a this great lookout where we took a few photos and shared a Lara bar.

Next stop Roundtop Shelter (almost to the summit of Roundtop Mountain) where we enjoyed Nuttzo with jam and beautiful view.

Most repulsive smelling place ever---the outhouse- no we didn't use it

After hiking a yummy grilled tofu sandwich and baked sweet potato fries were in order…however hunger made me forget to take a picture.

Hike Recap

Hubby and I woke up this morning and headed out for a hike. Hubby has been begging me to go on a hike since the snow disappeared but the weather hasn’t been great so when we woke up to a bright sunny day it seemed perfect. We stopped in at Onion River and picked up some shot blocks and Gu.

We started on our hike and at first it was pretty hard especially since I have been nursing a cold. We hiked for awhile and then decided to share a piece of XoBiotic chocolate which unfortunately was a little stale but we ate it anyway.

One of the fun things about our hike is that the trail we picked was a historical trail with little things to stop at each way.  Below is me pretending to tumble into a 27 foot well from the 1800s.

So our hike started out pretty well and then we decided to go to the top of this summit and went down the otherside.  About 40 minutes later we decided that we were going the wrong direction so we turned around and went the other direction for about an hour and 20 minutes.  Then again we decided that we were probably going to wrong direction.  Finally I spotted a trail that might get us back to where we started.  To my delight we found a headed up the trail and at the end of it were 2 Bud Light cans that we had seen earlier in the day and I yelped with joy.

Neil was pretty excited too. We were no longer lost.

After our 5+ hour hike that should have taken ohhhhh 2.5 hours, if we hadn’t have gotten lost, we headed to The Alchemist for some beers and delicious food.  When we got there they weren’t serving a full menu so we started with Genius Waters, beers and pretzels with spicy mustard.

Then we got a second beer, sweet potato fries to share and each ordered a tempeh sandwich.  Our eyes were bigger than our tummies though so we only ended up eating half of our sandwiches.

Now we are hanging out at home relaxing our bodies and drinking tea.

Q: What did you do today?