May in Review & Goals | June 2016

June 2016 Goals

How is it already June? I feel like the last few months have been flying and I just can’t seem to keep up! I’m not even really sure what I did in May it went so fast. I spent a lot of the month focusing on my passions (health coaching and essential oils). I made time for yoga and meditation and it feels amazing to be back at it. I also spent a lot of the month persuading my 22 month old to go to sleep because apparently this is the month he decided to learn to put words together, count, and so many other things – the developmental spurt is running wild and making sleep something that mama and dada are missing out on (and work because by the time we do get him to bed I’m ready for bed). 

Anyways lets review those May goals…

May Goals 

+Post at least two times per week. This just didn’t happen. Not for a lack of content but because life. I have about 10 post drafts saved and/or scribbled on a sheet of paper that ARE going to go up this month.

+Create an editorial calendar.  I actually started this and while I still need to fill in some holes I’m pretty excited about what I have lined up.

+Workout at least 20 days in May. This was ambitious for me and it didn’t quite happen. I actually stopped tracking but I can tell you I tried a few new yoga studios, went to the gym a few times and walks with the kids.

+Put the phone down. I am still working on this but I felt I did okay this month. If you follow me on snapchat (username: lindsayingalls if you don’t) you’ll see I have taken to putting my phone into my vanity drawer so that I wouldn’t be tempted to pick up my phone everytime I passed it on the counter. This actually works pretty well to keep my email and social media checking to a minimum.

So I’d give May a B in regards to how successful I was with my goals. Lots of room for improvement but still feeling pretty good about everything. 

Now on to the June goals…

June Goals 

+Spend (at least) 30 minutes per day doing something related to self development. I have been thinking a lot lately about self development and looking at the areas of my life that could use a little extra attention. Right now I’m really thinking about where I am focusing my energy and working to shift to things that are more positive and supportive. I’m also working to improve myself as a business woman and as part of that I am excited to be participating in Food Entrepreneur Summit this week.  

+Write Daily I have so many ideas and topics that I want to share with all of you but the thing is unless I write it down the ideas sometimes don’t make it from my head to my blog/social media. So I’m going to write daily in order to record ideas and to also make room for more ideas and inspiration.

+Workout. Workout period. Just do it. I’m not going to give amounts of time and such I just want to make working out regular. Right now I have one gym session today and two yoga classes and a barre3 class planned for this week. We also have some hiking planned.

+Post Dinner Walks. As a family we used to be really great about getting out for a walk right after dinner but lately we just fell out of the routine. This month I want to get back at it because it’s great for digestion, it’s a bonding time for us a family and it’s a nice way for the kids to get out a bunch of energy and for me to get a bit of energy for post-bedtime work. It’s also just a wonderful way to for us to do something positive for our health.

+Eat More Simply. I am known for taking on a little too much when it comes to the kitchen. I just love creating meals and playing around in the kitchen but to be honest my over ambitious nature in the kitchen hasn’t been working in my favor lately. Instead of creating inspiring meals I have been turning to convenience meals or eating out because when I do my meal planning I just take on too much. So this month it’s about simplifying things in order to make eating healthier, cheaper and less stressful (p.s. blog post coming on all of this soon!) 

So June is about self development, fitness, family and living life a little more simply and healthfully. 

What are you June goals? 


  1. Post dinner walks are awesome, especially because it’s light so late! I’d love to do that with our family. We need to eat dinner earlier to make it happen, though, if we want to get the kids in bed at a reasonable hour!

    • I forget what bed at a reasonable hour looks like. Alder is going through big developmental changes so his “reasonable hour” has been 9:30 (!!!) at least Edith will still go to bed at 7/7:30. A walk really helps to prep me for the 2 hours it takes to get Alder to sleep haha. Hope you all are well!

  2. The struggle is real, I totally get it. Mine is keeping a regular sleep schedule to support my new found exercise challenges, my immune system and balanced hormones. So much to work on but so worth fighting for it. Cheering you on….Get it!

  3. These are great goals! I also get overly ambitious in the kitchen and have been feeling the need to simplify lately. Now is the perfect time to do that, too, since the temperature Portland is supposed to climb above 100 this week!!

    • I am really loving being more simple but still having more ambitious meals on the weekends when there is just a little more time. It’s making eating at home easier and more relaxed and healthier.

      and 100!! gah haha.

  4. Ohh I love your June goals, especially the doing something related to self development and going on after dinner walks. This time of year it’s so perfect out at night, after dinner. Such a nice time to get some fresh air and a good walk. I may have to adopt that one too! For now I just want to really be present with my kids. It’s their last summer before kindergarten, and I want to really make the summer special and spend quality time with them.

    • It’s amazing what the simple act of going for a post dinner walk can do especially after a long day. I swear the kids calmed down and went to bed easier as well.

      I’m sure that your family will have an amazing summer!

  5. michelefrancisco

    Excellent goals for June and I appreciate that you didn’t beat yourself up over not accomplishing as much as you would have liked in May. Good for you!

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