1. Great tips! I definitely have days when I don’t drink enough water, and my body and mind are totally affected by it. For me, I also have to have diversity in exercise. I like how you mention all you need is 30 minutes, because usually that’s all I have! But it makes such a difference. Thanks for this post!

  2. Don’t forget little things to keep you moving like parking a little farther or instead of just waiting for a bus or streetcar after looking up the arrival time, I’ll walk to the next stops instead of just standing there!

  3. I’m pretty good at all these except preparing ahead of time!

    As for my tip: Find a friend to be healthy with. Maybe it’s a coworker who will eat salad with you or a friend who also likes spinning. But doing it together makes it more fun!

  4. ourdebtfreefamily

    I love these tips! I would add to schedule a little time for yourself each day. This could involve meditation, prayer, reading, or all of the above. Life is so hectic. It’s important to make yourself a priority. 🙂

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