Getting Back To Menu Planning

I used to be so good at menu planning but with all of these big changes going on and the fact that we were living in an apartment with nothing to cook on and now I am at my parents it has been a huge challenge to consistently menu plan.  That being said I have noticed that my meals are not as put together or as healthy as they usually are, so needless to say I am ready to get back to menu planning.

I haven’t discussed it yet on the blog but you may have seen on twitter and instagram that I have been using the #StartClean2013.  This is a FREE program that was put together by Katie Heddleston to help get you started on the right and healthy foot for the new year.  The best part is that there is a facebook page where participants can share things and also receive support from others.  Anyways each day there is a new task and for this weekend it is meal planning, which couldn’t have come at a better time.

This week my meal planning is once again a little all over the place because Wednesday I (finally) move to Oregon and I am not sure what we will have in our fridge and pantry when I arrive so I will have to wait until I arrive to really plan any meals.  I am loosely planning my meals for the next few days though and will be getting back to regular meal planning starting next weekend.

I start my week on Sunday because I usually do our grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday.

Do you meal plan? Do you find that it helps you eat healthier and save money?


  1. That little meal planner is so cute! Where is it from? And, good luck with the move. I wish I had found your blog a bit earlier and we could have gotten the peanuts together!

  2. Liz

    Meal planning makes a huge difference for me. When I don’t plan, I always spend more money and end up throwing produce away. We also eat healthier and avoid the grumpiness that always happens when we are hungry for dinner and trying to figure out what to have. No thinking is needed, just come home and start dinner. I hate doing the actual planning though, because DH is super picky so it takes a long time.

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