Remember a few weeks ago I posted about my project to get off the couch well things have been going really well. I have done a ton of walking, have gotten out for a few runs (!!!!) and have been spending more time on my feet when I am home. It still is a bit of a challenge like this past Saturday when E nursed pretty much from 1pm-7pm with only a few breaks, but I am happy to say that day I did get out for a short walk with the Hubz and E.
Now to really get myself back in the workout mode I am participating round 3 of Best Body Boot Camp! I am do excited to get started and get back in shape. Every two weeks we are given a workout plan of five workouts for each week. The workouts are about an hour long and consist of three strength days and two cardio days. Tina also includes suggestions for limited training time which is great for me because as much as I’d love and hour to workout every day and it is what I strive for most days are limited to 30-45minutes.
Tuesday I started with workout A and holy crap was it killer, especially for me since I have been doing a lot of walking, some running and very little strength training. I made it through all three sets of the workout though with E hanging out on her playmat grabbing and batting at the birds. I have to say I altered a few of the moves such as scorpion with ball (husband tried it with the ball and had a hard time because our balls are about 50% bigger than the one in the video).
Instead I did this version of scorpion which was still killer.
[image source]
Overall things are going really well with being more active and on my feet during the day. I know it’s early but I am really loving BBB and love how motivating it is; who else is participating?
On the agenda for today is Workout B which will involve a little alteration because I don’t have access to a bosu ball but I guarantee it will still be a challenge.
Glad you’re loving it so far! My biggest aim is for it to be motivating, fun, and flexible to anyone so it’s great to hear your feedback. I hope you continue loving it. And always feel free to reach out any time you need. I know you’re going to do awesome with it, though, Lindsay!