Project Get Off The Couch

This past weekend it really hit me that I am sitting now more than I ever have and I hate it. Don’t get me wrong I love being home with Edie but it seems 95% of my day is spent on the couch or in bed nursing or trying to work or sleep. I am trying to fit workouts and walks in when I can but it is a challenge with a baby who wants to nurse so frequently (I am talking every 1.5-2 hours; sometimes less) and lately she has been napping but will only nap on me. I am not sure what’s worse the no nap phase or the only nap on me phase.

I am not getting the workouts I would like in, I haven’t made it to postnatal yoga and I am feeling unhappy with my postpartum progress. I am also sitting way more than I want to so now I am starting Project Get Off The Couch.

That being said I am making more of a conscious effort to stand up, walk around and do something active when the baby isn’t nursing or sleeping in me. I am also working on making a concentrated effort to focus and finish freelance and blog projects rather than getting distracted with other things (Pinterest, twitter, Private Practice, Hulu, ect.) so that I have more time to move. Lastly I am going to bed earlier in hopes that more sleep will help my body and my brain.

If you’re a new mom or heck someone who is working an office job or computer job that involves you sitting for long periods how do you make time to stand more and workout? I know many people have switched to standing desks and I really wish that it was easier to stand while nursing but I haven’t found a boppy pillow that works for that (yet).


  1. Penny

    My girl will sleep in her K’tan which has helped a ton. I still need to sit and nurse, but at least I can get things done while she naps.

    • E will sleep in the carriers that we have but I find it challenging to bend over and do things sometimes. I haven’t tried her in our wrap lately but maybe that would be helpful because the other front carriers we have are a little more rigid for comfortably doing housework.

  2. Are you able to nurse while wearing her? I have a Baby Hawk and an Infantino, and I can nurse Amaliya in both – I just swing it slightly to the side and stick a boob in her mouth, lol. I still find myself on the couch way more often than i’d like though. Props for making good changes!

    • I actually just tried for the first time in the boba carrier the other night. I am not sure who much that would change things besides standing around. I do find it helpful when we are out on a walk though because it means i can give her what she needs without having to stop.

  3. Oh my gosh! I just wanted to say how absolutely precious Edie is! What an absolute doll. And I really applaud you for trying to start moving more – you have SO much on your plate, and it’s great that you’re trying to take care of yourself. Just be proud of every little step, and know that you’re doing a great job!

  4. Helen

    I’m at right there with you, Lindsay. Harriet came into this world 8 weeks ago and barring the walks we try to get in most days, exercise just isn’t happening like I would have expected. I thought I would have been back into some semblance of an exercise routine by this point, but I simply am not. I think you are taking a step in the right direction by having awareness of this. I hope that you are able to get into a better workout routine soon (and I hope that I can follow your lead!) And just remember, you are doing the best that you can! Don’t allow yourself to get too hung up on this and don’t let it get you down!

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