1. it’s csa night for us as well – we don’t get to choose though so it’s always a surprise! i’ll probably make a throw together cold asian noodle dish with whatever greens, peas, beans, etc we get plus some grilled tofu & a tahini-miso sauce. yum, yum!

  2. It looks like you have most of the makings for enchiladas, just missing the tortilla shells. If you had flour, you could make them from scratch. Yum!

    Pasta and garlic bread and baked squash.

    Are you able to go to the store this week? I love making a soba noodle dish with soba noodles, bok choy, mushrooms, garlic, a bit of miso. And then some sushi to go with it. I make mine with nori wrappers, sushi rice, cucumber, and avocado. Ooh, now I’m craving sushi. 😉

    Good luck with your meal planning!

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