- Blogging. I have been a busy bee and blogging has unfortunately taken a backseat. I am in the midst of working on a number of personal and work related projects one of which will be over in two weeks and than means back to regular blogging and daily posts.
- Green Smoothies. It’s finally starting to look like summer here and with summer comes yummy fresh foods. One thing I have been missing lately are green smoothies & green monsters– I think it’s time to make a come back.
- Hiking. Again one of those summer things that we hope to do a lot of this summer. We are even going to pump it up notch and go backpacking (do some over night hikes) on the Long Trail. So June please come soon so I can blog more, hike more and work (a little) less.
- Yoga. Lately I have been so dedicated to my C25K and strength training that yoga has taken a back seat. At this point my body hates me because it is getting so tense – it is screaming for yoga and I should probably listen.
What do you need more of right now?
I’m definitely looking forward to more hiking this summer! I’m also addicted to smoothies in the summer. My favorite protein powder is Spiru-tein. I really wanted to like Sun Warrior, but I just couldn’t get used to the taste!
You pretty much just read my mind – As I too, need more of all of those things in my life!!!