- Important Dates
- Start Date: February 20, 2011
- End Date: March 19, 2011
- Post By Date: March 26, 2011
When doing your final review of each months cookbook each of us will address the topics in our blog post: Layout
- Is the layout clear?
- Are you able to easily tell the ingredients apart for the instructions and the notes?
- Are the instructions easy to follow?
- Are the recipes numbered or is the section labeled?
- Does the cookbook feature photos?
- If yes, is there a photo for every recipe?
- Do the photos of the recipes look like the actual results?
- What kind of paper is the book printed on?
- How is the quality of the photos?
- How many recipes are in the cookbook?
- What kinds of recipes will you find in this cookbook?
- Is there a theme to the recipes?
- Are the recipes complex or simple? would they be good for seasoned cooks and/or beginners?
Ingredients and supplies
- Are the recipe ingredients easy to find?
- Are there any items that stand out as being expensive or specialty?
- Are there particular appliances that will be required such as blenders, juicers, dehydrators, ect?
- Information
- Does this cookbook provide additional useful information?
- What additional information beyond recipes does this cookbook include? Is it easy to follow?
Other important Information
- You need to make the recipes! Yes, to get an accurate representation of the cookbook you need to try out at least 3-5 recipes. Additionally when you right your review you should make sure to include your experience while cooking the recipe:
- How did the recipe turn out? How did it taste?
- Was the recipe easy to follow?
- Be honest when discussing the recipes you tried- if you didn’t like it then explain why.
Okay now that you know what this is all about are you interested in participating? If you answered yes then please email me your name, twitter handle (optional) and blog URL to lindsay@cookingforaveganlover.com by February 20, 2011 put “Cookbook Club” in the subject line. If you did not participate last month and/or did not send your list of your top 5 vegetarian/vegan cookbook choices please send these as well. Also remember you are not required participate every month pick the books that interest you!
This months participants:
- Lindsay (http://cookingforaveganlover.com/) (twitter: @cookveganlover)
- Caulipots and Portobello Pepper Steak Stew
- Hummus Trio
- 40 Clove Chickpea and Broccoli (not blogged)
- OMG Onion Rings (not blogged)
- Ye’abesha Gomen and Chickpea Piccata
- Maud (www.feudfood.blogspot.com) (twitter: @antimaud)
- Ashley (Cooperscravings.blogspot.com) (twitter:@ashcoop)
- Regina~mtbVegan~ (blog: Girl Goes Vegan) (Twitter @mtbVegan)
- Monika (blog: windycityvegan) (twitter: @windycityvegan)
- Jessica ( vegetabull.blogspot.com) (twitter: @vegetabull)
- Ye’besha Gomen with Mushroom Tibs
- Peruvian Purple Potato Soup
- Caesar Salad with Eggplant Bacon
- Garlicky Mushrooms and Kale
- OMG Oven Baked Onion Rings
- Red Lentil & Root Vegetable Dal
- Herb-Roasted Cauliflower & Bread Crumbs
- Curried Cabbage & Peas with Grilled Masala-Marinaded Portobello Mushroom
- Easy Breezy Cheezy Sauce
- Fawn (http://www.milanorunningmom.blogspot.com) (twitter: @milanorunner)
- Jason (Blog: http://cooktraineatrace.com ) ( Twitter: @CookTrainEatRce)
- Carrie (Blog: http://veganyogini.blogspot.com/) (Twitter: @veganyogini)
- Jennifer (http://veggieburgher.blogspot.com/) (twitter: @vegjennifer)
- Chickpea Quinoa Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette
- Quinoa Salad with Black Beans & Toasted Cumin Seed
- Cauliflower Hummus
- Caesar Salad with Eggplant Bacon and Caesar Chavez Dressing
- Garlicky Mushrooms & Kale
- Herb Roasted Cauliflower
- Curried Chickpeas and Greens
- Miso Tahini Dressing
- Mushroom Tibs
- Hummus
- Pasta Con Broccoli
- Mediterranean Bowl
- Hoison Mustard Tofu and Scallion Potato Pancakes
- Hottie Black-eyed peas and greens
- Baked Tofu and Mushroom Tibs
- Caesar Chavez Dressing
- Spicy Potato Curry and Masala Baked Tofu
- Sundried Tomato Walnut Dressing
- 40 Clove Broccoli and Chickpeas
- Creamy Mushroom Fettucini
- Miso-Green Onion Dressing
- Arabian Lentil & Rice Soup
- Sweet and Salty Maple Baby Carrots
- Cookbook Review
- Lacey Walker (Blog: http://www.hibouladybaby.blogspot.com/) (Twitter: @Quinoaween)
- Jared (http://jaredisavegan.blogspot.com) (twitter: @jaredlaughs)
- Mary (Blog: veganwheekers.com) (Twitter: VeganWheekers)
- Caitlin (Blog: www.theveganchickpea.blogspot.com)
Twitter hash tag: #vegancookbookclub
Cook.Vegan.Lover. Cookbook Club
[…] Date: September 5, 2011Post By Date: September 12, 2011Previous Cookbook Club Books: Veganomicon Appetite for Reduction Skinny Bitch Ultimate Everyday Cookbook This entry was posted in Cookbook Club. Bookmark the […]