Fiery Vegan Valentine Cooking Contest!
Between now and Thursday February 10, 2011 post a recipe on your blog for a dish suitable for a romantic Valentine’s dinner. It should be vegan and and it should be fiery (yes take that anyway you’d like) and should include a photo.
There will be 3 categories (you can enter ONE recipe per catagory):
1. Appetizer
2. Entree
3. Desserts
Mention in your post that you are participating in “Fiery Vegan Valentine Contest” and link back to this post. Then, send me an email (lindsay at cookingforaveganlover dot com) with your name, the name of your blog, and the permalink and name of your recipe. (If you don’t have a blog, feel free to email me your recipe and photo and I will feature it on my blog.)
On Friday February 11, 2011 I will do a round-up of all the posts in each category and there will be a poll for readers to vote for their favorite Appetizer, Entree and Dessert. Voting will be open until February 13, 2011 at 9pm EST.
The Prize:
1. There will be one winner from each category based on the votes by fellow readers; if there is a tie the Hubz will be brought in to decide the winner. The prize for each will be a surprise but I guarantee it will be good and feature a vegan item(s) from our NYC trip.
2. For the person who creates the most inventive fiery recipe overall will receive their own special surprise goodie box. This winner will be decided by me.
Note you do not need to be vegan to participate in this contest, however your recipe entry must be vegan. Have fun and be creative!
fiery |ˈfī(ə)rē|
adjective ( fierier , fieriest )
- consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly : the sun was a fiery ball low on the hills | [as submodifier ] figurative a fiery hot chili sauce.
- having the bright color of fire : the car was painted a fiery red.
- (of a person) having a passionate, quick-tempered nature : a fiery, imaginative Aries.
- (of behavior or words) passionately angry and deeply felt : a fiery speech. hmmmm maybe a narrative of some sort?
The Perfect Pizza Press » Blog Archive » Saturday Garbage Plate: Everything & the kitchen sink.
[…] Vegan. Lover. is hosting a Fiery Vegan Valentine Cooking Contest. From now until February 11, create and share a “fiery” Valentine’s Day-themed […]
OOOOOhhhhhhhh how fun!!
I’m going to have to think of something for this!! 🙂
hmmm this could be a good challenge to break out my cooking skills
Though I’m (technically) single, I am very much liking this contest. I guess I should start brainstorming! 😀
No one said you had to be attached to participate! can’t wait to see what you create
how many entries allowed? Truth be told , I have recipes inspired by my favourite exs…no. I did not just say that. =^.^=
You can do one per category