After hearing that the Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spiced Lattes aren’t vegan I have been wanting to make an “at home” version which is honestly way better on my wallet anyways. I haven’t been out to the market to get non-dairy creamer so I was excited to come home and find a sample from Mimiccreme.
Well I saw that Mama Pea had come up with a wonderful pumpkin latte creation I had to try it. Unfortunately I only had the poser pumpkin (the good stuff is Libby’s) I decided to try it anyways.
My variation of Mama Pea’s Love In a Cup aka Pumpkin Latte
1 cup stove top espresso
3/4 cup non-dairy creamer
1/2 t pumpkin pie spice and more for garnish
2 T canned pumpkin pie filling
5 drops of liquid stevia
In a food processor blend the creamer through stevia. Pour into a mug and then pour the espresso on top and sprinkle with more pumpkin pie spice
It was decadent and delicious and the Hubz is crying at work because he doesn’t have one so I guess I’ll have to make him one later when he gets home. Thank You Mama Pea!
You can read why the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte ISN’T vegan here.
Yes! It does sound delicious! I have not seen Mimicreme anywhere here. 🙁
Yum!!! I could see this with teechino (I don’t drink coffee). Sounds amazing!!!
This looks amazing but you have me a little worried. Is the soy version of the pumpkin spiced latte at starbucks not vegan?
no it’s not vegan