Lazy Sunday

Today has been a fairly lazy Sunday and it feels great! We woke up to rain and I knew that meant it would be the perfect day to relax on the couch with the fur baby and Hubz. It hasn’t been a totally lazy day though as I made kale and zucchini chips this morning which are still in the dehydrator getting all crispy and we did get ourselves out for a walk once the rain let up a bit.

I started my morning out with something I haven’t had in forever OATMEAL! I used to eat it daily but it’s been a few weeks since I have had myself a nice bowl of warm creamy oats with chia seeds, cinnamon, stevia, flax meal and a banana of course.

For lunch I cooked up some brown rice and topped it with leftover sliced Korean BBQ tempeh, 5 Spiced Garnet Yams and some soy glazed brussels sprouts all topped with sriracha of course!

Hubz and I are now off to watch a movie- Q: What are you up to today?

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