This afternoon was spent with my nose in the books while sipping on an extra large earl grey iced tea at my second home- the coffee shop. I am in my third week of my health counseling program and I am loving it. I had my first meeting with my health counselor last night and it went really well, a little awkward but it was fine. I one session a month so hopefully next months session with be even better!
By 4pm I was feeling hungry and I knew that if I went home and ate an early dinner that I wouldn’t be as motivated to workout so the hubby and I decided to have a light pre-workout snack. I picked up some roasted Brussels sprouts and a corn salad for us to share.
After our 40 minute commute home (I can’t wait for them to be over) my tummy had settled and I was ready to take on Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I knew going into it I was guaranteed to get my ass kicked especially since I challenged myself to level 3, but I was pumped and ready to go.
Just as I predicted my ass was handed to me but it felt great! I can’t even imagine doing the P90X or Insanity workouts if this video challenges me- however I am interested in trying the P90X. After my workout I took my jelly legs to the kitchen to heat up the curry I made this morning and serve it up with the brown rice that I put in the rice cooker while I did my workout.
Rootin’ Veggie Curry
- 1T olive oil
- 1 small celeriac, peeled and diced
- 2 kohlrabi, peeled and diced
- 3 carrots, peeled and diced
- 1 large onion, diced
- 1T tomato paste
- 1t chili powder
- 2t curry powder
- 2t cumin powder
- 1/2t paprika
- 1/2t salt
- 1/4t pepper
- 1/4t tumeric
- pinch of cayenne
- 1 cup red lentils
- 4 cups vegetable broth
In a large pot over medium-high heat the oil and then add the onions and saute for 5-7 minutes until they begin to get slightly browned, but not burnt. Stir in the celeriac, kohlrabi and carrots as well as the tomato paste and add the spices. Stir together until everything is evenly coated and then add the vegetable broth and lentils. Bring the curry to a boil and then cover and turn down to low and allow to simmer for 30 minutes. Check the vegetables and seasoning. Serve with brown rice or naan.
After dinner we watched a little Modern Family and enjoyed a bowl of strawberry banana ice cream it was delicious!
- 2.5 frozen bananas
- 5 strawberries
- 1 cup chocolate almond milk
Blend to soft serve and top with chocolate flakes.
Q: what is your favorite dessert?
The curry looks and sounds delish. Do you know where I could find a recipe for vegan naan. Eating with my hands is a MUST!
Here is a great recipe for naan:
you can also serve with paratha which are delicious as well!
Glad to hear you’re still excited about IIN — I am, too! Bummer that your first session was awkward. My original coach dropped out last minute so I had to choose a new coach on Monday to have our first session Tuesday morning. Yikes. I hope your next session is better!
The same thing happened to me! I had to choose a new coach on Monday as well-did you have Jessica originally?
CSA Week 2 - Running With Tongs
[…] I haven’t experimented with kohlrabi that much but in the past we have had it raw in salads, cooked up in stir fries and in this root vegetable curry dish. […]