Flying Sky High

Happy Friday! How’s everyone doing? Have you entered to win this pretty Earthlust stainless steel water bottle? If not there is still time!

Since we went to dinner last night we didn’t have any leftovers for lunch which meant I had to figure something out this morning.  We had tons of baby bella mushrooms, baby spinach and broccoli so I made some yummy spaghetti with all of those and some garlic, red miso, earth balance, nutritional yeast and salt and pepper.  I made enough so we would have dinner tonight and I won’t have to cook when I get home.  Since there is no microwave in my office and I have to travel to the office next door I decided to have my lunch for breakfast and my breakfast for lunch. Do you ever have lunch/dinner food for breakfast?

Now I’m hanging out at Speeder’s – I know they should just let me move in here I basically pay their rent! HaHa.   I decided to splurge and go with a Sky High Chai which is a soy chai latte with a shot of espresso it is the hubby’s favorite and he is sitting at his desk right now all jealous. Did I mention that we woke up to snow on the ground? GROSS! Where is spring?

Well bloggies this is a short one because I have school work to do and work to go to. Blog you later!


  1. ashley

    I switch my breakfast and lunch all the time!! I actually usually crave the carby goodness of things like oatmeal later in the day, whereas i love some steamed spinach with tofu for breakfast. I thought i was just weird, but i’m glad someone else is like this too 🙂

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