1. Yum! Green Mountain has been one of my favorites for ages. I’m personally addicted to the Rainforest Nut flavor, but I’m up for trying new coffee any day!

  2. green mountain is an excellent brand of coffee-fair trade and organic +tasty!!!!
    thanks again for doing all these fun giveaways!!
    and your recipe on meatless monday looks great!

  3. reva skie

    Fair trade + organic + Sumatran, my favorite type of coffee of all time. OF ALL TIME!!! /Kanye. I am so in. Thanks for the chance.

  4. Meagan

    Hey…what did the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe taste like? It has the best name! Anyways, the food from Montreal looks amazing! I had thai last night and I had been craving it big time!

    Its funny that today it is coffee as the prize thing because I just pulled an all-nighter and dying 🙂

  5. I used to work at a Ben & Jerry’s where we sold Green Mountain Coffee – we definitely didn’t have any variety though! I love that it is whole bean though because I love to grind the beans the morning I make myself some coffee 🙂

  6. One of my favorite brands of coffee…

    And your pulled shroom sandwich sounds like something I might have to try…if not for my sake, for my husband’s, who’s been going on and on about pulled pork (eck!) for weeks now.

  7. Steve

    Looks like one of the GMCs that have a nice flavor to it…..not to weak and not to strong. An Fair Trade as well…..looks like a good one to try.

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