Veganmofo- Rhapsody- Montpelier

I just got back from a nice (but too quick) lunch with my hubby down at Rhapsody on Main St. in Montpelier. I really wanted to see my husband and have a lunch date, but needed some place quick and easy to go to so I wouldn’t go over my allotted lunch time. Lets just say that I won’t be doing many more lunches here. It was just kind of meh, which I already had come to the conclusion of months ago but decided to give it another try.

I had:
whipped ginger sweet potatoes– these were actually pretty good a little too gingery but good
brown rice– very over cooked
tofu stew- now this was really good their stews usually are
tempeh nugget– this was not good it was deep fried tempeh is some sort of black sesame seed crust and it was dry and boring
vegetable Indian lentils- these were okay the flavor was decent but they were super gummy they either needed to be less gummy or more soupy
chickpea curry- this was pretty good
salad with tofu dill dressing- I have to say I love this dressing
Artichoke heart salad- this is really good and creamy
Marinated Mushrooms- these were pretty good

for dessert we split:
a carob almond cup- kinda like a PB cup ….not made on site
a cinnamon oatmeal raisin cookie- this was alright it was kinda crunchy, I like my oatmeal raisin cookies chewy

Overall: 3.7/5
Service: counter service
Food Quality:2.5/5
Vegan Options:4.7 (there is sushi)

Times Visited: 5

From the sounds of it you’d think I’d like it more…but it is just nothing special and super pricey.

  1. Bex

    I still haven’t been here (althought I linked their main site for tempeh). I keep hearing that it’s not that great. I don’t expect greatness in every restaurant but you gotta represent! I’ll probably get my buns in there sometimes and try it out (when I have the urge to frivolously get coffee at Capital Grounds.

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