Fitness Friday: July In Review
I have been lacking on the Fitness Friday posts the past few weeks but I’m getting myself back on track starting now. I completed my miles for the Hotter Than Hades Virtual Half-Marathon about 10 days ago and am looking forward to the results in about 10 days.

My workouts so far this week. I am going to the gym after work so Friday will be filled in later.
Workouts for July and First Week of August
Upcoming Events:
- Tomorrow a.m.: Group Run & Yoga at the Waterfront
- Tomorrow p.m.: Vinyasa at the Vineyard; yoga and a wine tasting.
- October 8, 2011: MY FIRST EVER 10K (unless I do the downtown 10K on September 25th)
Other Updates:
- I have come to learn that 2 days off is my max when it comes to running before I feel a huge difference.
- Morning runs are so much better for two reasons a) it wake me up and b) running in the afternoon is way too hot right now
- I have debated over the Hal Higdon half marathon plan and the Jeff Galloway plan, the Higdon plan has come highly recommended by friends and the Galloway by twitter friends. After doing a lot of researching and reading on a number of blogs including these ones here, here, and here I have decided that the Galloway plan is (probably) right for me. So now that i’ve decided my training will (officially) start on August 30th! What are you thoughts on the Galloway plan? What is your favorite training plan?
P.S. I used Daily Mile to track my workouts.