Raw Lasagna

I think I am addicted to Raw Lasagna! It is soooo good!

I made a different recipe this time and I really enjoyed it more. The first recipe I tired, although good, was far to heavy with all the nut meat and nut cheeze. This recipe which you can find here: http://gliving.com/zucchini-and-green-zebra-tomato-lasagna/ was great and filling and light.

I didn’t make exactly this recipe as I had some garlic scapes so I made a garlic scape pesto instead of the basil pistacho and my pine nut ricotta didn’t turn out light and fluffy more saucy (i think i over soaked the pine nuts). But over all it was delicious. Now I just have to figure out the rest of the week!

Raw Tacos

I was lucky enough that my husband worked from home yesterday and was able to prep the spicy “beans” for our tacos. I used the recipe from this post http://gliving.com/sarmas-soft-corn-tacos/ as the basis for our tacos. Neil made the spicy beans and I made the guacamole and salsa. I didn’t have the time to make the tacos shells but instead we just used boston lettuce leaves and it was delicious. The spicy “beans” tasted just like veggie ground round (oh and we didn’t dehydrate for 10 hours more like 3). The meal was great and tonight I am being ambitious and make raw blackforest cheezecake!