Weekend Wrap Up: Busy, Busy, Busy

This weekend was one of the busiest and most productive weekends we have had in, um, months? Friday night was a little on the lazy side, we had dinner and relaxed on the couch and I went to bed early.
Saturday I was up early to get a little cleaning done and then off to my girlfriend Cate who was in town for the weekend so we could chat and go over plans for the baby shower she is hosting with help from my mom in June. We also indulged in some sticky buns that Neil was ever so nice to get up and bake us Saturday morning (unfortunately no photo).
After my visit with Cate, Neil and I headed out to run a few errands around town. We also stopped into the new sandwich shop to pick up an Indian Chickpea grinder to share for lunch. It was a really great sandwich on delicious bread but both Neil and I didn’t totally get the Indian part of it, but either way we enjoyed it.
The remainder of our Saturday was spent organizing, relaxing on the couch, reading and eventually I made a delicious dinner which will be tomorrow’s recipe of the week.
Sunday: There was no rest at our house this Sunday, it was our most productive and busiest day of the week! Neil and I got up early to pick up the floors (in our carpeted rooms) and move everything out of the nursery so we could shampoo the carpets.
While we waited for my parents to arrive with their machine Neil prepared some homemade bagels and coffee and I worked on the bagel toppings and a nice fruit bowl.
Everyone (except me) got their coffee on and then it was off to the cleaning and shampooing!
After shampooing all of our carpets we decided to head out for a few hours to run some errands and have a picnic lunch while the carpets dried. After stopping at a few shops, Buttered Noodles and Home Depot, we decided to find a spot for lunch. We enjoyed a nice spread of homemade ginger peach iced tea, hummus, crackers, berries, and pasta salad.
Quick and Easy Pasta Salad: 1 packaged of cooked whole wheat shells; 1 15-oz can of black beans and 1 15-oz can of chickpeas, a bunch of cherry tomatoes cut in half, one small red onion diced, a handful or two of baby carrots cut into circles, lots of black pepper and enough of Briannas French Vinaigrette to coat everything.
After our outing we headed back to our house to move things back into place and my mom and I worked on decorating the nursery while the guys watched the remainder of the Yankees game.
Once my parents headed home I made some dinner and we settled in on the couch and caught up on a few shows before heading to bed to read. After a busy day my snoogle never looked so good.
How did you spend your weekend?