Five Things I’ve Been Loving Lately:
1. Five Bamboo Travel Skirt– Five Bamboo sent me a sample of their skirt for review and I have been wearing it all the time. Unfortunately I have yet to get a picture of myself in it because well I am usually behind the camera, however this weekend we are traveling and it will be perfect for the trip. This skirt is ridiculously comfortable and so soft! I am in love with it. I am so in love with how cute it looks on and how comfortable it is, especially right now in this crazy hot humid Vermont weather. Now I just have to find someone to get me their Rohre Dress for my birthday next month- any takers?
2. Fearless Matcha Green Trea & Peppermint Chocolate: A few weeks ago via a twitter conversation myself and another tweeter got to talking about green tea chocolate and I of course had to chim in that Fearless makes the best kind (I have ever had) and to top it all off it has peppermint in it too. Neil and I have been trying to savor this bar but like most chocolate it didn’t last long in our house. Oh well! Luckily we have a few other flavors to try and they sell it at a number of different shops in Burlington now.

Ingredients: Organic Raw Cacao, Organic Rapadura, Organic Matcha Green Tea, Organic Peppermint
3. Running! I never thought that I would say this but I am loving it. I actually have the urge to go on runs now and I look forward to my next run day. On top of that I am loving running in the morning- yes 6am runs are way better than my old 3pm runs.
4. The Japanese Iced Coffee Method. We used to do cold brewing in our french press…untile we broke it. Lately we have been trying this different method and it makes really wonderful coffee.
5. My Man. Supportive. Wonderful. Helpful. Loving. and so much more xo. (I know you’re either awing or gaging right now but it’s true.)
oh and one thing I am hating- my sunburn that has blister. GROSS.
Disclaimer: Five Bamboo and Fearless Chocolate both provided me with a sample of their products to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway.
That skirt looks sooo comfortable!
And definitely awwing over you and Hubz. The people who gag need mo’ love in they lives!