The Hubz and I started off our weekend with a bagel and coffee from City Market and then headed to my G-Ma’s to visit, have lunch and then we headed to her art show. Over the past 10 or so years my G-Ma has taken up painting and each year there is a seniors art show where she features her art work- check it out:

G-Ma's Art

G-Ma and Aunt Carol with G-Ma's Art

'rents and G-Ma art the art show
After spending the afternoon at G-Ma’s art show we headed to my parents house to visit with them before they head to warm, sunny Florida for 6 weeks *colour me jealous*. When we arrived we were greeted by this site:
The roof on the old barn at my parents house caved in last week due to the heavy, wet snow causing the entire barn to crumble. It is a huge loss for them and sad to see.
We spent the remainder on the night relaxing, looking over old photos:

My G-Ma and Grandpa (Dad's parents)
I love looking back at old photos and checking out the fashion back then- don’t they look so classy? Whatever happened to nice dresses and suits?
For dinner I decided to try out some of the seitan that Upton’s Naturals sent me in one of the recipes from Appetite for Reduction for the Cookbook Club. I made the Caulipots and the Portabello Pepper Steak Stew – my first recipes from Appetite for Reduction and both I really liked and so did the ‘rents and Hubz.
The Portabello Pepper Steak Stew does not call for kale but my mom had some that needed to be used up so I added it to the stew and it was a great addition. The stew was nice and peppery and the sauce was so tasty. I have to say salt was the only thing that the recipe needed a little more of but that may have been do to the vegetable broth that I was using. The Caulipots were good but I think I would try one of the variations that the cookbook includes because I really felt that there was a lack for flavor- again may have been partially due to the broth. Overall though I liked both recipes an it is a good start to this months Cookbook Club.
Sunday we headed home early so that the Hubz and I could get some work done at home (on our computers). We spent most of the day except when we headed out for groceries sitting on the couch enjoying leftover stew and caulipots as well as a few Oscar Best Picture nominated movies in preparation for our Oscar party next Sunday. We watched:
Out of the four we watched Winter’s Bone was by far my favorite- the movie is not weighed down by A List celebrities and the acting and story is really amazing. I would recommend that everyone see this – it is really a powerful movie. We still have to watch The King’s Speech, The Fighter, True Grit and Toy Story 3, however we are only planning to watch the first 3 and if we have time we will watch Toy Story 3 before Sunday. So far my top three nominated films are Black Swan, Inception and Winter’s Bone. Which one is your favorite? Are you planning anything for the Oscars?
my favorites were the king’s speech and the fighter. i also saw toy story 3(which was fantastic), black swan, the social network, and 127 hours. while i liked black swan, i thought it was more as a platform to showcase natalie portman’s talent. the social network was good, but definitely not on the same level as the king’s speech and the fighter. i did really like 127 hours, but i don’t think it’s “the best movie of the year”, although james franco did a great job.
i’d like to participate in the “appetite for reduction” cookbook club. i’ve already tried several of the recipes from it!
Very sweet looking artwork. Grandma Moses-esque, even? The meal also looks great – the caulipots I think will be a popular one. I know they’re on my list.
And I haven’t seen any of those movies but Black Swan was great! Also..have you seen the recent Dana Carvey return to host SNL? He and Mike Meyers did a Wayne’s World making fun of Winter’s Bone…heh.
i LOVED The King’s Speech, but that’s totally my type of humor. we saw True Grit on the weekend, and that 14 year old actress really is amazing in it. too bad she won’t win the Oscar, sigh….