7 comment(s) for "World Gratitude Day | 9.21.15":

  1. I had no idea today was “World Gratitude Day,” but it is definitely a worthy cause!

  2. I had not idea it was National Gratitude Day – something I definitely have to practice more and be mindful of!

  3. Love this. Always good to reflect about all the amazing things in life that we should be thankful for. Thanks for sharing!

  4. World Gratitude Day gives me a lot to think about – We should take more time to reflect on these things daily!

  5. Those are good things to be thankful for. Also my health and the health of my loved ones, strength, coffee, chocolate, Portland, sand boxes, soft socks, cozy blankets, memories, books, words…

  6. Lindsay, how did I not know about this day? I am so bummed BUT GRATEFUL that you shared this. Not to sound cliche but I am grateful I came by and saw this post today, it definitely stopped me in my tracks to take a moment and say my own moment of gratitude. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Thanks for the reminder to reflect and be thankful – it’s not just for Thanksgiving and December!

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